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I'm Kristin Richards

What's up Girlfriend!

I’m an intuitive business coach, podcast host, and owner of Girlboss Designer – a branding + web design agency serving women entrepreneurs.




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3 Steps to THRIVING in Your Business



Align & Amplify


Rewire your mindset for what you desire - and become a magnet for the success, satisfaction and peace-of-mind you crave.

You've already got the goods, talents and tools you need, let's align your business so you can amplify them.


Branding Lies You’ve Been Told

In this episode, I’ll be sharing with you the top 3 lies you’ve probably been told when it comes to branding your business. I’m hoping that this helps you find clarity about what exactly branding is, and potentially saves you some time and money too.

Lie #1: It’s all about the visuals

Most people think that branding is all about colors and logos, and these are what stop them. But, the truth is, branding is how your entire business comes together as a whole, not just the visuals but also your messaging and the vibe that your business gives off.

Your brand is simply the vibe your business gives off and how it makes others feel.

Through your branding, you’ll be able to make a connection with your ideal clients and build a trust factor. So, take a step deeper and do the foundational work first before making certain visual choices.

Lie #2: Your logo is super important

Most people get caught up in the logo design and think that it fully encapsulates their business. But, let me tell you that the logo is just a tiny piece of the bigger puzzle.

It’s different when you have an online business versus a retail brand such as a clothing business where your logo gets to be seen in your items. Think about the online business brands you follow and ask yourself how often you’re looking at their logo. Very rarely, right?

Don’t get caught in the logo rabbit hole. Your branding is not just about your logo.

Lie #3: You HAVE to hire a professional to do your branding

While hiring a professional 100% always has its benefits – time savings, stress savings, having it look amazing with no work from you. But this isn’t required in the early stages. When you’re just getting started, it’s totally okay to DIY your branding as long as you have the right guidance around it.

There are a lot of things to invest in when you’re starting out. So, it’s best to think about where to invest your money in the early stages of your business.

It’s important to not just randomly choose colors and design elements you like – you want to be conscious of the decisions you’re making when it comes to your business branding process. Incorporating color psychology into your color choices and think about how these colors can layer together when using them in design. Be aware of how fonts play a role in the price point your business exudes. 

That is why I’m so excited to launch my Brand Your Vision course which is designed for someone who is in the early stage of business and wants to have some guidance while DIY-ing the branding process in the right way.

If this is you, you’ll basically get a professional designer perspective and excavate deeper on your business vision for a much affordable price while you’re launching your business.

Enrollment doors are opening next week for one week only. And, in the live launch, you’ll be able to get in a Facebook group where you can share your ideas and the things you’re working on. You’ll also be able to join a group call for each module for Q and A’s, feedback. You’ll also get all the goodies I’ve prepared for you.

Join us LIVE and get a chance to have a 1:1 session with me and get a hands-on tweak with me.

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