the Blogging Blueprint

What to blog about for your business and how to maximize your efforts.


You just need to approach blogging the right way so it's benefiting your business instead of wasting your time.

Not only is blogging awesome for showcasing your expertise and building your "like, know, trust factor" with potential clients, but it's also an incredible way to get more people to your website.

AND REMEMBER... more website visitors means more potential for more clients (and more clients = more $$!)

I've got some news for you:

Blogging isn't old school or dead

Let's get a little nerdy for a sec and go over some actual statistics about blogs. 

According to OptIn Monster's 2020 article:

Companies who blog get 97% more links to their websites.

Websites that also have a blog are shown to have 434% more indexed pages. (more indexed pages = better SEO = Google likes you more)

Businesses that blog experience twice as much email traffic as businesses who don’t.

Blogs have been rated as the 5th most trustworthy source for gathering online information.

Seem like it could be worth putting a little time/effort into your businesses blog doesn't it?!

Most women entrepreneurs are not utilizing their website's blog...

3 Reasons Why

It's time to stop allowing these above excuses get in the way of more visibility online, more email signs up, and more inquires to work with you.

Plus with blog posts feeding back to your services, freebies and potentially even affiliate links - your blog can actually help make you money! 

And it's actually a lot easier to maintain than you think...

the Blogging Blueprint

What to blog about for your business and how to maximize your efforts.


here's the thing...

Marketing is key to bringing in more clients & increasing your income. Let me help you cut through the confusion and set this up right.

All the different types of blog posts you can create for your business

How to brainstorm on ideas so you have a big go-to list and can never say "I don't know what to post about!"

The key components of what a blog post needs

How to ramp up your blog posts and completely maximize your efforts

How to make this process even easier on yourself

How to use your blog posts to build your email list

How to stay accountable to your blogging plan

How to actually create the posts in Wordpress through a video tutorial walkthrough


the Blogging Blueprint

2 Part Blog Strategy Video Training 

Corresponding PDF Slides

Video Tutorial for Creating Blog Posts in Wordpress

Blogging Blueprint Cheatsheet

You may be wondering...

What if my website doesn't have a blog?
Most likely your website platform does offers a blog section or already has one, you're just not using it yet. I HIGHLY recommend adding this component onto your website for all the reasons listed in this email!

What if I've never blogged before?
It's totally fine! I've included a tutorial showing you a very simple approach to publishing a blog post in Wordpress. If your website does not have a Wordpress blogging section there are many tutorials online you can find for your website platform. All the strategies in this course will still apply to you no matter what platform your website is on.

When do I get access to the lessons?
You can instant access!

What if I want this course but don't have time right now?
You can take this at your own pace. Better to jump on the release price now and dive in to the lessons whenever you're ready :) 

How long will I have access to this course?
For life! You can jump right into the lessons or take your time because you have no expiration date on your access.